College of Science

For College of Science
As of July 2021


Abell, M. :. (2017).   Mathematica by example. Academic Press. 
[QA 76.95 A214 2017]


Attaway, S.  (2019).  Matlab : a practical introduction to programming and problem solving. Butterworth-Heinemann.
[QA 297 A88 2019]


Constanda, C.  (2016).  Solution techniques for elementary partial differential equations. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 
[QA 377 C66 2016]


Gupta, R. S. (2015).   Elements of numerical analysis. Cambridge University Press.
[QA 297 G87 2015]



Lindfield, G. R. (2019).  Numerical methods : using Matlab. Elsevier.
[QA 297 P45 2019]


Malkowsky, E. (2019).  Advanced functional analysis.  CRC Press. 
[QA 320 M35 2019]


Wan, F. Y.  (2018).  Dynamical system models in the life sciences and their underlying scientific issues.  World Scientific.
[QH 323.5 W36 2018]


Allen, P. (2019).  SPSS statistics : a practical guide. Cengage Learning.
[HA 32 A45 2019]



Foo, K. P. (2019).    Principles and techniques in combinatorics : solutions manual. World Scientific.
[QA 164.5 F66 2019]



Gross, J. L. (2019).    Graph theory and its applications. CRC Press.
[QA 166 G76 2019]



Khan, N. (2019).  Algebraic topology : an introduction. Oxford Book Company.
[QA 612 K43 2019]


Koshy, T.  (2019).   Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with applications.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[QA 246.5 K67 2019]


Minton, R. B. (2017).   Sports math : an introductory course in the mathematics of sports science and  sports analytics.  CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 
[GV 706.8 M56 2017]


Moghadas, S. M. (2019).  Mathematical modelling : a graduate textbook. John Wiley & Sons.
[TA 342 M64 2019]


Stewart, I. (2018).  Complex analysis : the hitch hiker’s guide to the plane. Cambridge University   Press.
[QA 331 S74 2018]


3GE collection on mathematics : graph theory and its applications. (2019).  3G E-Learning LLC. 
[QA 166 T47 2019]


Whitman, G. (2019).  Advanced number theory with applications. Oxford Book Company.
[QA 241 W45 2019]


Fundamentals of logic design. (2017).  3G E-learning.
[TK 7868 T47 2017]


Kotu, V. (2019).  Data science : concepts and practice. Morgan Kaufmann.
[QA 76.9 D343 K68 2019 ]



Meier, R. (2018).   Professional Android. John Wiley & Sons.
[QA 76.76 A65 M45 2018]


Selmy, M. A. (2019).   Proteogenomics. Delve Publishing. 
[QP 551 S45 P76 2019]


Almeda, J. V. (2010).   Elementary statistics. University of the Philippines Press. 
[HA 29 A46 2010]




Arkes, J. (2019).   Regression analysis : a practical introduction. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 
[HA 31.3 A75 2019]



Balakrishnan N. (2020)0.  Introduction to probability : models and applications. Wiley.
[QA 273 B255 2020]


Blunch, N. J.   Introduction to structural equation modeling using IBM SPSS statistics and EQS.
[QA 278.3 B58 2016]


Bors, D.  (2018).   Data analysis for the social sciences : integrating theory and practice. Sage.
[H 62 B67 2018]



Dobson, A. J. (2018).   An introduction to generalized linear models. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
[QA 276 D63 2018]


Paolella, M. S.  (2019).   Linear models and time-series analysis : regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[QA 280 P36 2019]


Wooldridge, J. M.  (2020).  Introductory econometrics : a modern approach. Cengage Learning Asia.
[HB 139 W66 2020]


Brase, C. H.  (2017).   Understanding basic statistics. Cengage Learning.
[QA 276.12 B725 2017]


Cooper, J. (2019).   Game anim : video game animation explained. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
[TR 897.7 C66 2019]


Dennis, A. (2019).   Systems analysis and design. Wiley. 
[QA 76.9 S88 D46 2019]



Evergreen, S. D. (2017).  Effective data visualization : the right chart for the right data. SAGE. 
[P 93.5 /E937 2017]


Johnson, G. (2019).  Developing creative content for games. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press. 
[GV 1469.15 J64 2019]


Lazar, J.  (2017).  Research methods in human computer interaction. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
[QA 76.9 H85 L39 2017]



Larose, C. D.  (2019).  Data science using Python and R.  John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 
[QA 76.9 D343 L37 2019]


Lee, E. (2019).  Beginners guide to bioinformatics for high throughput sequencing. World Scientific. 
[QH 324.2 L44 2019]


Management information system. (2017).  3G E-Learning LLC.
[T 58.6 T47 2017]



Management information system : world edition. (2019).  3G E-Learning LLC.
[HD 30.213 T47 2019]


Cartography. (2016).  Magnum Publishing LLC.
[GA 105.3  C37 2016]


Chang, K.  (2019).   Introduction to geographic information systems. McGraw-Hill Education. [2019]
[G 70.212 C43 2019]



Crooks, A.  (2019).   Agent-based modelling and geographical information systems : a practical primer. SAGE Publications. 
[G 70.212 C76 2019]


Geographic information science and systems. (2018).  New York : NY Research Press.
[G 70.212 G46 2018]


Introduction to geodesy. (2018).  Larsen & Keller. 
[QB 281 I58 2018]



Introduction to remote sensing.  (2018).  Syrawood Publishing House.
[G 70.4 I59 2018]


Uwera, S. (2019).  Environmental applications of remote sensing. Delve Publishing.
[G 70.5 U94 2019]


Awan, H. H.  (2018).  Recent development in wastewater treatment technologies. Arcler Press.
[TD 745 /A93 2018]



Balwan, W. K.  (2018).   Utilization of wastewater in agriculture and aquaculture. Random  Publications. 
[TD 429 B35 2018]


Bioenergy and biofuels. (2018).  Taylor & Francis, CRC Press. 
[TP 339 B56 2018]


Carillo, N.  (2019).  Sustainability science : an integrated approach. Larsen and Keller Education. 
[HC 79 E5 C37 2019]


Dunlap, R. A. (2019).   Sustainable energy. Cengage.
[TJ 808 D86 2019]


Ellis, Z.   (2019).  Industrial and hazardous wastes treatment.  Syrawood Publishing House.
[TD 897 E45 2019]


Energy storage : fundamentals and applications.  (2018).  Syrawood Publishing House.
[TJ 165 E54 2018]



Environmental issues : global warming.  (2019).  3G E-learning LLC.
[QC 981.8 G56 T47]


Environmental issues : pollution. (2019).  3G E-Learning.
[TD 174 T47 2019]


Fossil fuel and the environment.  (2015).  Clanrye International. 
[TP 318 F67 2015]



Fowler, B. A.  (2017).   Electronic waste : toxicology and public health issues. Academic Press. 
[TD 799.85 F69 2017]


Industrial ecology. (2018).  Larsen and Keller Education. 
[TS 161 I53 2018]


Li, D.   (2018).  Water quality monitoring and management : basis, technology and case studies. Academic Press. 
[TD 365 L5 2019]



Moaveni, S.  (2018.  Energy, environment, and sustainability. Cengage Learning. 
[HC 79 E5 M63 2018]


Science, technology and innovation culture. (2018).  Wiley-ISTE. 
[T173.8 S35 2018]


Soil pollution : from monitoring to remediation.  (2018).  Academic Press. 
[TD 878 S655 2018]



Solid waste management.  (2018).  Callisto Reference. 
[TD 791 S65 2018]


Tadena, A. S. (2018).  Algal green chemistry. Delve Publishing.
[QK 566 T33 2018]


Waste management.  (2017).  Larsen & Keller. 
[TD 791 W37 2017]



Water pollution and treatment.  (2017).  Larsen & Keller Education.
[TD 420 W38 2017]


Pechenik, J. A.  (2015).    Biology of the invertebrates. McGraw-Hill.
[QL 362 P43 2015]


Alen, R. (2018).  Carbohydrate chemistry : fundamentals and applications. World Scientific  Publishing Company. 
[QD 321 A44 2018]


