The Research Paper Series are the final outputs of the research staff. The Series is a formal publication meant to promote research, stimulate discussion and encourage the use of study results. Studies published under this Series have been reviewed by an internal publications review committee and by external referees. Studies are original and have not been published in any form and contain the rationale, framework, methodology, conclusions or recommendations and other relevant information.
-Republic of the Philippines, PIDS
RPS 2014-02
Choke Points and Opportunities in the Supply Chain of ASEAN Agricultural Products: A Philippine Country Study
RPS 2014-01
Regional Integration, Inclusive Growth, and Poverty: Enhancing Employment Opportunities for the Poor
RPS 2013-02
The ASEAN Economic Community and the Philippines: Implementation, Outcomes, Impacts, and Ways Forward
RPS 2013-01
An Assessment of TESDA Scholarship Programs
RPS 2011-01
Rice that Filipinos Grow and Eat
RPS 2010-01
Reforming Social Protection Policy: Responding to the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond
RPS 2008-03
Rice in theFilipino Diet and Culture
RPS 2008-02
Rice Production Practices
RPS 2008-01
Rice and Philippine Politics
RPS 2007-04
Competition Policy and Regulation in Ports and Shipping

RPS 2007-03
FDI Investment Incentive System and FDI Inflows: The Philippine Experience
RPS 2007-02
An Initial Verdict on Our Fight Against Poverty
RPS 2007-01
The Impact of ASEAN-China FTA Early Harvest Program: The Case of the Philippines with Focus on Short-Run Effects on the Agriculture Sector
RPS 2006-03
The Philippine Hybrid Rice Program: A Case for Redesign and Scaling Down
RPS 2006-02
Innovations in Microfinance in Southeast Asia
RPS 2006-01
Rural Finance and Microfinance Development in Transition Countries in Southeast and East Asia
RPS 2005-01
Experience of Crisis-Hit Asian Countries: Do Asset Management Companies Increase Moral Hazard?
RPS 2003-01
Exchange Rate Policy in Philippine Development
RPS 2003-02
Philippine Domestic Shipping Transport Industry: State of Competition and Market Structure
RPS 2003-04
The Philippine Innovation System: Structure and Characteristics
RPS 2002-06
Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options
RPS 2002-04
Technological Innovations in Japan and S&T Experiences in the Philippines: Drawing Policy Lessons for the Philippines
RPS 2002-03
Trade Reforms, Income Distribution and Welfare: The Philippine Case