How to access Turnitin?

For Students

For first time users, accomplish the Turnitin Plagiarism Checker form to set-up your turnitin account.

To submit paper to an assignment in Turnitin, please follow these instructions:
1. Log in to;                                                                                          

2. Once you’ve logged in, you should see your homepage listing the classes you enrolled in; 

3. Click the name of the class where you’d like to upload a file. This will take you to your Class Homepage for that class; 

4. Click the Submit button to the right of the assignment name. This will take you to the file submission page;

5. Enter a title for the submission;                                                                             

6. Click one of the submission buttons;                                                                    

7. Select the file you want to upload;                                                                        

8. Click the Upload button on the file submission page;                                               

9. Then, you must click the Confirm button to officially upload the file to the assignment;

10. Inform the library that you have submitted already your paper and ask a copy of your paper with the Turnitin Similarity Index Report.

For more information, please follow the link:

For Instructors

1. Kindly email to [email protected] for your account.
2. Turnitin will send you an email for instructions on how to create your account
3. After you created your account, login to Turnitin and you’re directed to the Instructor’s
page. You will see your name, User Info. for your profile, and
Instructor for account type.

How to Add Class?

-Click Add class and you will be directed to this form in creating a new Class.

  -Provide the Class settings and then click Submit.

-Then a confirmation will appear that you have successful created your class with Class ID and Enrollment password.

-The class you created will appear on the instructor’s page.

-After creating your class, next you create Assignment under that class.

-Just click the Class name, then click Add Assignment.

-The you will be directed to the page on creating New Assignment.

-Just fill out the necessary data in the form, and then click Submit.

-Then you will that the new assignment is added to the class. The Title of the   assignment, Start date, Due, Post, Status, and Actions.

  -To check who among your students who enrolled/submitted their paper already, just click VIEW and then you will see their names and the status if they submitted already or no submission yet.

-If students, submitted their paper already, you will see in the list the title, similarity index, grade, response, file, paper id, and the date of submission.

 -To view the report of the similarity index, click either the title of the paper or the percentage and colored box in the Similarity option.

   -Then it will lead you too the Similarity index report.

  -Now, either you will download the report and email it to your student for    revision or grade their work.

For more information, please follow the link:

Video tutorial on navigating Turnitin.