For School of Management
As of July 2021


Cunningham, W. P.  (2020).  Principles of environmental science: inquiry and applications. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
[GE 105 C865 2020]


Heldman, K.  (2018).  Project management jumpstart.  Sybex, A Wiley Brand.
[HD 69 P75 H45 2018]


Kerzner, H.  (2018).  Project management best practices: achieving global excellence. Wiley.
[HD 69 P75 K471 2018]


Kinicki, A. (2013).   Management: a practical introduction. McGraw-Hill. 
[HD 31 K474 2013]



Managerial decision modeling.  (2017).  Larsen & Keller.
[HD 30.23 M36 2017]


Project management: processes and methodologies.  (2017).  Larsen & Keller.
[HD 69 P75 P76 2017]


Quantitative techniques in business.  (2019).  3G E-Learning LLC.
[HD 30.25 T47 2019]


Supply chain analytics. (2017).  3G E-Learning LLC.
[HD 38.5 T47 2017]


Schroeder, R. G. (2018).  Operations management in the supply chain: decisions and cases. McGraw-Hill Education.  
[TS 155 S334 2018]



West, M. (2019).   People analytics for dummies. John Wiley and Sons.
[HF 5549.5 M3 W47 2019]



Winston, W. L. (2019).  Practical management science. Cengage. 
[T 57.62 W56 2019]


Air transport: a tourism perspective. (2019).  Elsevier.
[HE 9787 A37 2019]


Anderson, D. L. (2017).  Organization development: the process of leading organizational change. SAGE.
[HD 58.8 A531 2017]


Bateman,T. S. (2017).  Management: leading & collaborating in a competitive world. McGraw-Hill Education.
[HD 31 B3679 2017]


Bowersox, D. J.  (2020).  Supply chain logistics management. McGraw-Hill Education.
[HD 38.5 B68 2020]


Cascio, W. F. (2019).  Managing human resources: productivity, quality of work life, profits. McGraw-Hill Education.
[HF 5549 C2975 2019]


Chon, K. S. (2019).   Hospitality in Asia. Routledge.
[TX 910 A69 C46 2019]


Crowley, D. (2018).  Smart teams: communicate, congregate, collaborate: how to work better together. John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
[HD 66 C76 2018]


Dileep, M. R. (2019).  Tourism, transport and travel management. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
[G 155 A1 D55 2019 ]


Durdella, N. (2019).  Qualitative dissertation methodology: a guide for research design and methods. SAGE.

[LB 2369 D87 2019]


E-HRM: digital approaches, directions & applications. (2019).  Routledge. 
[HF 5549.5 D37 E37 2019]


Gibson, P. (2019).  Cruise operations management: hospitality perspectives. Routledge.
[G 550 G53 2019]




International human resource management.  (2019).  Sage Publications.
[HF 5549.5 E45 I58 2019]


Inkson, C.  (2018).  Tourism management: an introduction. SAGE. 
[G155 A1 I55 2018]



Kolb, B. (2018).  Marketing research: a concise introduction. SAGE.
[HF 5415.2 K64 2018]



Longenecker, J. G. (2020).   Small business management: launching and growing entrepreneurial ventures. Cengage Learning.
[HD 62.7 L66 2020]


Marshall, G. W. (2019).  Marketing management. McGraw-Hill Education.
[HF 5415.13 M27 2019]



Perez, P. (2019).  The drama-free workplace: how you can prevent unconscious bias, sexual harassment, ethics lapses, and inspire a healthy culture. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[HF 5549 P41 2019]



Riley, M. (2019).  Managing people in the hospitality industry. Routledge. 
[TX 911.3 P4 R55 2019]


Sharpley, R. (2018).  Tourism, tourists and society. Routledge.
[G 155 A1 S53 2018]



3G handy guide: human resource management.  (2019).  3G E-learning LLC.
[HF 5549 T45 2019]



Wooldridge, J. M. (2020).   Introductory econometrics: a modern approach. Cengage Learning Asia.
[HB 139 W66 2020]


Brunsdon, C. (2019).  An introduction to R for spatial analysis & mapping. SAGE Publications.
[QA 276.45 R3 B78 2019]



Camm, J. D. (2019).  Business analytics. Cengage Learning. 
[HD 30.23 C35 2019]



Field, A. P. (2018).  Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. Sage Publications Inc.
[HA 32 F54 2018]


Kuratko, D. F. (2020).  Entrepreneurship: theory, process, practice. Cengage Learning Asia.
[HB 615 K872 2020]



Levy, M. (2019).  Retailing management. McGraw-Hill Education.
[HF 5429 L4828 2019]


Financial management for non-finance managers. (2019).  3G E-Learning LLC.
 [HG 4026 T47 2019]


Business analytics for human resources. (2017).  3G E-Learning LLC.
 [HF 5549 T47 2017]
