New Acquisitions (2014-2018)


New Arrivals as of August 2018


College of Communication Arts and Design

List of Communication Arts and Design Books

A new companion to digital humanities Abstract explorations in acrylic painting Acrylic expressions Andrea Mantegna - making art (history) Animation - intermediate Animation (2D digital) - advanced Animation (3D digital) - advanced Becoming a graphic and digital designer Boundaries of journalism - professionalism, practices and participation Categorical statistics for communication research Cinematography - theory and practice Communication and _the good life_ Contemporary art and digital culture Design basics Copy, copy, copy - how to do smarter marketing by using other peoples ideas Convergent journalism - an introduction, writing and producing across media Design basics. 3D Design engineering refocused Designing commercial interiors Designing everyday life Digital kids - how to balance screen time, and why it matters Dialogues on mobile communication Digital photography and everyday life Digital painting and techniques Encyclopedia of social media and politics Ethnography for designers Discover oil painting Fiction and art Fashion, design and events Fashion branding unraveled Fashion and textile design with Photoshop and Illustrator Fashion - a philosophy Exploring art Exploring color workshop Figure drawing in proportion Folk heroes and heroines around the world Foundations of mobile media studies Global entertainment media Globalizing intercultural communication Good charts Goods 2 Post-petroleum design News and politics Media matters Mass communication theory Introducation to mass communication by baran Handbook of writing research Graphic fashion Power plays power works Sculpting from the imagination Signage and wayfinding design Signature bags Surface design for fabric The art of short form content The compendium of fantasy art techniques Visual graphic design Visual communication Understanding art The media syndrome The fundamental principles of CMF desig The fashioned body The editor_s toolkit

College of  Sciences

List of Sciences Books

Startup_CMYK Archaeology - down to earth A short guide to climate change risk Adapting to climate change Applied mathematics - for the managerial, life, and social sciences Atmospheric chemistry and physics - from air pollution to climate change Best practices for flipping the college classroom Cell biology Climate change - examining the facts Computational and statistical methods for analysing big data - with applications Developing and managing embedded systems and products Discovering knowledge in data Ecological biochemistry Ecosystems Effective data visualization Environmental issues _ solutions Environmental monitoring Environmental noise pollution Environmental science Ethics in information technology Exploring earth science Fundamentals of information systems Fundamentals of matrix analysis with applications Genetic engineering Genetics - analysis _ principles Geographic information science _ systems Geoinformation GIS and geocomputation for water resource science and engineering Green networking and communications Handbook of forest botany Integrated research in remote sensing of environment Introduction to computer graphics Learning statistics using R Machine learning in python Managing our natural resources Mathematics for the life sciences Remote sensing in land and water Security+ guide to network security fundamentals Understanding basic statistics Understanding geology through maps Understanding renewable energy systems Urban disaster resilience Urban disasters and resilience in Asia

College of Social Sciences

List of Social Sciences Books

A History of modern psychology A sociology of mental health and illness An IBM SPSS companion to political analysis An introduction to ocean remote sensing Analyzing qualitative data - systematic approaches Annual editions - comparative politics Annual editions - physical anthropology Applied social psychology - understanding and addressing social and practical problems Armed conflict, peace audit and early warning 2014 Asia_s latent nuclear powers - Japan, South Korea and Taiwan Behavior modification - principles and procedures Biological psychology Community projects as social activism - from direct action to direct services Compensation Critical approaches to international security Digital Kids Displacement, development, and climate change Drugs in society Economics after capitalism Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment Encyclopedia of stateless nations Essential readings in world politics Evolutionary psychology Global climate change and human health Health behavior Historic Documents of 2014 International relations and the Labour Party International relations theory International relations International society, global polity Introduction to cybercrime Introduction to the new statistics ISIS Journey into philosophy Juvenile justice Organization theory _ design Our social world Personality theories Political economy Positive psychology in practice Researching social life Schaum_s outlines statistics Security issues in the greater Middle East Sensation and perception Shaping the developing world Statistics for behavioural and social sciences Statistics without mathematics Stress _ health Syria in ruins The cost of racism for people of color The handbook of global security policy The impact of the social sciences The other office 2 The philosophy of cognitive science The principal_s guide to time management The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the psychology of coaching and mentoring The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the psychology of leadership World War I World War II

School of Business and Management

List of Management Books

4 lenses Big data in practice - how 45 successful companies used big data analytics to deliver extraordinary results Business analytics - data analysis and decison making Cost Analysis for business Exploring innovation Managerial economics Monetizing innovation Research literacy Rethinking innovation Social data analytics - collaboration for the enterprise The art of product design The innovation formula



New Arrivals as of January 2018

Catching Fire book 2 Computer networking - a top-down approach comicparty Darangen v3 Darangen v4 Darangen v5 Eclipse Find a victim Fake Getting to peac global sociology Gravitation Great cases of Scotland YardvI hamlet Great cases of Scotland YardvII History of the Filipino people I miss my pencil - a design exploration Howards End Intercultural communication Jatropha production and processing manual. Journalism next - a practical guide to digital reporting and publishing Lament of the lamb Maigret and the burglar's wife Madame Maigret's own case Maigret and the yellow dog Maigret and the fortuneteller Maigret at the Gai-Moulin Maigret goes home Mathematical methods in economics and business Matilda Mrs. Frisby and the rats of Nimh Mockingjay New moon Nightwing Pattern Philippine literature - a history & anthology Reading for thinking Quick knits - cool projects Readings on strategic management Rethinking journalism again - societal role and public relevance in a digital age Selected reviews in biotechnology -cover Selected reviews in biotechnology -title page Solid waste management - critical issues for developing countries Shibori knits - the art of exquisite felted knits Solid Waste Management- Principles and Practices Subtraction - aspects of essential design Suikoden III - successor of fate The Ancient The Cebu almanac 2016 The boy who followed Ripley The Hunger Games The end of national cinema - Filipino film at the turn of the century The Media Handbook- A Complete Guide to Advertising Media Selection, Planning, Research, and Buying The prophet of Yonwood The UP Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business

New Arrivals as of May 2017

Download here “List New Acquisitions as of May 2017






New Arrivals as of May 2016

Download here List of New Acquisitions as of May 2016

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February – March 2016

February – March 2015

September – October 2014

June 2014

May 2014

April 2014

February – March 2014

January 2014